For Week 2, I mainly looked at OpenSSL code. It is quite burdensome. The code isn't very well documented. I've generated my own self-signed certificates with OpenSSL, which wasn't too complicated. Five files in total were generated: a root private key file, a root certificate file, another private key file, a certificate request file, and a (self-signed) certificate file. Each of these files had encodings in base64. Luckily, base64 to hex isn't something vastly complicated, so I was able to figure out what the different hex strings in the base64 encodings all meant. Base64 conveniently shrinks the size of these files and keeps them in a format that can easily be, say, emailed. Oh, and I forgot to mention these files have the extension .pem, which stands for Privacy Enhanced Email. Cool.
I don't want to say too much, though... (It's not like we have much to say yet anyways.)
On another note, Facebook apparently resizes photos when you upload them to their servers, so you can't download a, say, 4MB photo that you uploaded earlier to Facebook; it'll be 1MB or smaller. What this means is that you can't use steganography on photos you upload to Facebook. Sad.
Edit: Actually, there's more. I tried uploading a small photo with some encoding (even with the "high quality" option), but Facebook ultimately still cut down on bytes, ruining the steganographic file.
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